Shoulder Bursitis

Shoulder bursitis is the inflammation of the bursa. The shoulder moves easily due to the presence of bursa (fluid-filled sacs) which help in the smooth movement of the joint. This inflammation may be caused due to over usage, consistent motion and repetitive movements of the joint.

What are the Symptoms of Shoulder Bursitis?

The various symptoms of shoulder bursitis include:

  • Grinding, grating and snapping noises during movement of the shoulders
  • Pain during movement of the shoulders

How is Shoulder Bursitis Diagnosed?

Shoulder bursitis is diagnosed based on your medical history and a physical examination. Your doctor may also order imaging tests such as X-rays or MRI scans to get a clear picture of the inner aspects of the shoulder and confirm the diagnosis.

What are the Treatment Options?

Based on the severity of the condition, shoulder bursitis can be treated both surgically and non-surgically.

Non-surgical treatments: These treatments include anti-inflammatory medications, strengthening the muscles around the shoulder and corticosteroid injections to reduce inflammation of the bursa.

Surgical treatments: Surgery is performed when the non-surgical treatments fail to provide relief. Surgical procedures are mostly performed arthroscopically and involve the removal of the inflamed bursa along with any bony extensions on the shoulder.